Welcome to Breeders Syndicate 2.0 – This is the new improved Breeders Syndicate fully run and operated by Matthew Riot. Accept no imitations. This is Season 2 Episode 6 – This is an second conversation I had with Archive during the earlier days of me learning how to have a proper conversation with folks. Archive is well know for his seeds that have won countless awards, but he’s also known by the old guard as Tha Docta, the one who has precise historic accumen, provenance supreme. He’s tedious and it’s why we love him. Here’s one of many talks with Tha Docta to come.
Breeders Syndicate website coming soon: https://breederpodcast.com
Find Breeders Syndicate in Instagram @BreedersSyndicate
Find Breeders Syndicate on Twitter: @strainhistory
Find Archive Seeds on Instagram @archiveseedbank
Find Archive Seeds https://www.archiveseedbank.com
Find Matthew Riot on Instagram: @riotseeds or @riotseedco
Find Notsodog on Instagram as @notsodog
Riot Seeds website: https://www.riotseeds.com