Welcome to Breeders Syndicate 2.0 – This is the new improved Breeders Syndicate fully run and operated by Matthew Riot. Accept no imitations. This is Season 1 Episode 2, Intro to Cannabis History with Notsodog, Mr. Mendo Purps. He has a ton of other nicknames, but I prefer the Forest Gump of Cannabis. he lived in Mendocino during crucial years and ended up being integral in several of the world’s most famous strains out there. After this episode Notsodog becomes a regular Co-Host on and off.
Breeders Syndicate website coming soon: https://breederpodcast.com
Find Breeders Syndicate in Instagram @BreedersSyndicate
Find Breeders Syndicate on Twitter: @strainhistory
Find Matthew Riot on Instagram: @riotseeds or @riotseedco
Find Notsodog on Instagram as @notsodog
Riot Seeds website: https://www.riotseeds.com