Welcome to Breeders Syndicate 2.0 – This is the new improved Breeders Syndicate fully run and operated by Matthew Riot. Accept no imitations. This is Season 4 Episode 10 – We reconvene with CSI Humboldt’s Nspecta to deep dive the later forum days post 2006 – slowly that meanders into other topics, but everytime Nspec is here we have a great time. The man has forgotten more than me or Notso will ever know, and I look at each conversation with him as a class in breeding excellence, and if you pay close attention there’s valuable info in every sentence.
Breeders Syndicate website coming soon: https://breederpodcast.com
Find Breeders Syndicate in Instagram @BreedersSyndicate
Find Breeders Syndicate on Twitter: @strainhistory
Find CSI Humboldt on Instagram @csi_humboldt
Find Matthew Riot on Instagram: @riotseeds or @riotseedco
Find Notsodog on Instagram as @notsodog