Welcome to Breeders Syndicate 2.0 – This is the new improved Breeders Syndicate fully run and operated by Matthew Riot. Accept no imitations. This is Season 1 Episode 3, Intro to the history of Nevil Schoenmaeker’s the Seedbank with Notsodog. Most cannabis strains we know today descend in some facet from Nevil’s original Seedbank out of Amsterdam, Holland. One of the first international shipping banks, we owe a major debt of gratitude as breeders to the groundwork laid before us.
Breeders Syndicate website coming soon: https://breederpodcast.com
Find Breeders Syndicate in Instagram @BreedersSyndicate
Find Breeders Syndicate on Twitter: @strainhistory
Find Matthew Riot on Instagram: @riotseeds or @riotseedco
Find Notsodog on Instagram as @notsodog
Riot Seeds website: https://www.riotseeds.com