The House of Madjag Colombian Imports Petroglyphs Paying Dues and Culture S06 E05
Welcome to Breeders Syndicate 2.0 – This is the new improved Breeders Syndicate fully run and operated by Matthew Riot. Accept no imitations. This is Season 6 Episode 3, Part 4 of the Madjag and Raho Chronicles.
Part 5 is a departure from the normal strain histories show and was a chance for me to delve deeper into the mind of our friend Mad Jag. As we are becoming friends and now close friends, I really want to show the complexity that is the human I’ve encountered. This week Notso was at work on the beast coast and Raho was tied up with family affairs, so me and Mad Jag talked Colombian and South American influence on the modern Cannabis market as well as Petroglyphs in the canyon and apprenticeship and paying them dues!
I HIGHLY suggest to anyone who loves this show to visit this page prior to listening, so you truly understand the magnitude of the tale that will be unfolding over the next several weeks,
Again, a true blessing and honor… Absolutely humbling to be the guys to help deliver Jim and Raho’s tales. I was ear to ear grinning for 2 hours.
OUR MERCH STORE IS LIVE!!!! – I have to figure out the ssl certificate, when i do itll be more payment options. This is a DTG printing service so we don’t make a bunch of money but you all requested it, so we did it!
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Intro / Outro courtesy of
Inkha Avail on